Saturday, July 12, 2008

Dinner 10 July 2008 - A new idea to sustain this blog

Readers (if any) should realise I'm far from achieving the 'daily photos' criteria. That's because I only upload photos that I feel is at least mildly interesting, and my life is hardly an adventure everyday...

Then, I got hit by an inspiration to post photos of something that has never cease to amaze me, and that is the poor selection of food my mum cooks for dinner! At the very least, you will get 3 photos a week here! And also to provide evidence because I get murmurs of disbelief when I say my mum's food sucks.
So here's no. 1. And no, we're not vegetarians.

1 comment:

sHiYin said...

oui, u dun like the food, then u cook something for us to eat lah. btw, it's not vegetarian cos the sze chuan vege has pork in it, thank you very much :P
besides, veges are good for u.
and, even though it's all vege, i think they taste good.